Time Scheduling App

Project: Time Scheduling App

Role: Designer, Developer, Project coordinator

Description: In this project, I designed and developed a time scheduling app aimed at helping users manage their time more effectively. This involved:

  • Project Management: Coordinating the project from concept through to completion, ensuring timely delivery.

  • User Experience Design: Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface based on user research and feedback.

  • Technical Development: Utilizing HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to develop the app.

  • Collaboration: Working with a small team of developers and testers to ensure functionality and usability.

Key Achievements:

  • Successfully launched the app with positive user feedback on its usability and design.

  • Demonstrated strong project management and technical skills.

Teammates for application development: Karolys Andres, Celine Bong, Anmol Brar

Teammates for application development: Karolys Andres, Celine Bong, Anmol Brar


Research Infographic Design


System Design for Self-monitoring Sedentary Behaviors